
Concrete poses a real challenge for builders interested in the ecological compatibility of building materials.  On the one hand the manifold usefulness of concrete cannot be disputed; on the other hand the impairment of the environment of habitable spaces by this material is well known to ecologically conscious builders.

The materials surrounding us directly influence the human organism and its energy systems. This bio-energetic effect of materials has a considerable influence on our sense of well-being, but is unrelated to any chemical emissions (off-gasing) or particle release which can cause allergies.

Concrete for instance has a measurable biophysical disharmonising effect.  This can lead to corresponding stresses which can become evident in a general sense of malaise, or particular health effects with definitive symptoms over both the short and long term.

It has been established that the cause of these negative health effects is the bonding agent of concrete – cement.


Through research on the bio- energetic effect of building materials, a new additive has been developed for situations where cement is used as the bonding agent. The effect of this product is unique as it is able to offset the adverse bio-energetic effects of the cement.

A noted positive effect on health arises when it is added to building materials containing cement.

This patent- protected invention consists of a combination of selected metals and mineral compounds applied to a natural carrier substance.


This new product is available under the name CARBOMETUM®.

CARBOMETUM® standard is used for building materials containing concrete in structural works, shell and core where normal, grey Portland cement is used (concrete, cement coating, cement screed (cement floor), mortar, render).  >> Technical data sheet

CARBOMETUM® light is used in finishing ceilings and walls (lime plaster, finishing coat, white wash, final coating or paint finish). >> Technical data sheet

Concrete testing, static tests

Tests undertaken have shown that CARBOMETUM® standard has no influence on the static quality of concrete. >> Concrete testing

Proof of effectiveness

The positive bio-energetic impact of CARBOMETUM® can be demonstrated with special biophysical measurement methods like electro-acupuncture, bio-resonance and GDV (Gas Discharge Visualisation) or with radiesthetic measurements. >> Proof of effect


Important Information

CARBOMETUM® harmonises the biophysical impact of building materials containing cement. However, CARBOMETUM® cannot compensate for emissions of problematic volatile chemicals used in building. It is not designed as a screen against other possibly harmful components (electro smog).

Achievement of overall good quality air within habitable spaces (indoor environment) requires that all the other building materials be chosen in accordance with positive building and biological criteria. 


CARBOMETUM GmbH     •     Eggweg 138     •     CH-4497 Rünenberg
Tel +41 (0)61 981 42 78     •

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